The Strategic Coach® provides valuable tools for building Rwanda’s Bigger Future

Filed in: economy

Written by David Ormesher on February 18, 2012

The Strategic Coach®, a North American-based organization that equips successful entrepreneurs to make significant improvements in productivity and results, has provided many of its most valuable tools and concepts to Bigger Future, GRDP's business acceleration program in Rwanda.

Our goal in Rwanda is to help its most promising business owners build strong companies that create jobs and wealth. Strengthening the entrepreneurial sector in Rwanda will make a large contribution to meeting the country's Vision 2020 goals. We have found that many of the Strategic Coach business tools and frameworks that have been so successful in the United States and Canada also work very well in Rwanda, and the owners of The Strategic Coach, Dan Sullivan and Babs Smith have generously made these tools available to Rwandese entrepreneurs involved in the Bigger Future program.

All across Rwanda, dozens of companies use the 3-Year Planner3-Year Planner and The Strategy Circle®, plan their weeks using the Entrepreneurial Time System®, and gain confidence after doing a Positive Focus. These are all tools developed by The Strategic Coach, and all have found a fertile market in Rwanda.

These tools are intertwined with leadership, branding, company culture, and sales tools developed by Bigger Future in the context of Rwanda's unique business environment. Combining this intellectual capital with the social capital of successful North American entrepreneurs traveling to Rwanda every quarter has created a dynamic business acceleration program and vibrant business network  in Rwanda.

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