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Posts made in September 2014.

Investment in Africa Continues to Gain Traction in the US Filed in: investment, africa, fdi

As an example of how Americans are increasingly seeing the opportunities present south of the Sahara, Minnesota’s Star Tribune  newspaper recently reported on the continued engagement of the state’s business sector with the region.  “As a giant middle class gradually rises across Africa...

Rwanda Named Most Competitive Economy in East African Region Filed in: rwanda, economic development

This year’s Global Competiveness Index named Rwanda the most competitive economy in the East African region. Kenya claimed the number two spot. The index, released annually by the World Economic Forum, ranks the world’s economies based on twelve “pillars of competitiveness.” These pillars include:...

World Bank cuts Rwanda’s 2014 Growth Forecast Filed in: economy, rwanda

Reuters reported on Thursday that the World Bank cut Rwanda’s 2014 growth forecast from 7.2 percent to 5.2 percent. The cut is due to slow spending on energy and transport as well as a slowdown on private sector credit. “Investment in energy and transport would spur the private sector and...

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