Creating a Bigger Future Workshop Series launched on January 27

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Written by David Ormesher on January 29, 2010

The first of four GRDP entrepreneur workshops in Kigali kicked-off on Wednesday, January 27 at the Sportsview Hotel with 42 Rwandese entrepreneurs and two visiting entrepreneurs from Nairobi, Kenya.

We had an excellent group of experienced entrepreneurs and business faculty that joined us from the United States. Our partnership with The Strategic Coach, a leading entrepreneur coaching company that has worked with over 13,000 entrepreneurs, provided much of the strategic planning and growth frameworks, and our US entrepreneurs and business faculty from The Johns Hopkins Carey School of Business contributed from their own practical experience.

The GRDP workshop experience is unlike most business seminars. It is a mix of high-value concepts, business frameworks, sharing of ideas, and networking. The result is a greater degree of clarity and confidence among participants and tangible plans for the next 90 days. There is also a high degree of accountability, and at each quarterly workshop, each entrepreneur will report back on their progress towards their 90-day goals and then sets new goals.

The dates for the following workshops have been set. They will be April 28, August 11, and November 10.

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