Bigger Future on November 10

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Written by David Ormesher on October 18, 2010

The week of November 7 will be a busy week for GRDP in Rwanda.

We will be hosting a breakfast presentation of the Bigger Future program on the morning of November 9 for all prospective participants in the 2011 program. That evening we will sponsor our usual coffee reception for all current members of the Bigger Future.

On November 10 we will lead our fourth workshop of the year. This will be a very important day as we move from branding (what we stand for, an "inside-out" perspective) to sales and marketing (what does the market need, an "outside-in" perspective).

The focus of the workshop day will be on analyzing our current client list, determining our best clients, and developing a plan for market research over the next two months that will lead to a definitive go-to-market strategy when we reconvene in January. This scientific approach to sales and marketing will make the difference between a real growth strategy and "hope as a strategy."


November 9, 8:30 - 10:30am
Beausejour Hotel
Breakfast Presentation for new Bigger Future participants

November 9, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Beausejour Hotel
Coffee Reception

November 10, 8:30am - 5pm
Beausejour Hotel
Bigger Future Workshop #4

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